
The Meghann Perry Group teaches storytelling as a powerful tool for both addiction recovery and advocacy.


The work can be hard.
The road can be long.
The journey can be lonely.
That’s why we have storytelling.

When facing challenging life events, storytelling is a proven tool for healing and one that Meghann Perry Group has pioneered for years. Our method shifts perspectives, allowing for deeper personal understanding and greater change.

The stigma associated with challenges like addiction, trauma, grief, and mental health are often as debilitating as the conditions themselves. Stigma creates internal narratives that degrade self-worth. Meghann Perry uses proven methods to address stigma head-on, challenging the stories we tell ourselves and others. By re-writing these stories, we heal individuals. We also transform the culture that surrounds us, creating the world of recovery we all need and deserve.


Recovery Storytelling
Reducing shame & stigma, this program fosters growth and healing. MPG encourages participants to identify and use their authentic voice, a critical step to personal recovery. MPG also teaches storytelling as an essential tool for building advocacy.

Storytelling for Teams
We provide custom storytelling and adult learning programs to create stronger and more effective teams.

Story Gatherings – Free!
Want to give storytelling a try? Our free virtual Story Gatherings are a great way to learn about the healing process of storytelling while also benefiting from participation in a welcoming support group.

Click here to learn more about our programs and check out what's coming up next!

Workshop Spotlight

Recovery Storytelling

Internal shame and stigma are significant barriers to recovery.  We use the creative, experiential learning process of storytelling, rather than didactics, to break through to personal transformation and promote psychological growth.

Participants tell their stories in pairs multiple times throughout the workshop. Story-building tools are introduced throughout the session, encouraging participants to look at their story and themselves in new ways, opening up the possibility of a new worldview.

Storytelling is a powerful catalyst for positive change in both individuals and communities.

Embodied Storytelling

Embodied Storytelling can be easily integrated into current programming to develop critical social skills such as communication, cooperation, teamwork, problem solving, and self awareness – all of which are vital to wellness.

Individuals in early recovery can be self-protective and shut down. Through carefully-crafted Applied Storytelling and Embodied Drama Therapy techniques, we use games to elicit self-expression in participants and increase social-emotional development. Each person develops their voice and narrative at their own pace, paving the way for deeper work.

Embodied Storytelling enlivens groups, empowers individuals, and builds strong communities.


Upcoming Programs

Phoenix Tales Story Gathering

Phoenix Tales Story Gathering

Phoenix Tales Story Gathering

Phoenix Tales Story Gathering

Phoenix Tales Story Gathering

Phoenix Tales Story Gathering

Partner Programs

MAY 2nd-3rd
Infinite Pathways of Recovery MAY 2024

A new approach to supporting people in recovery by creating recovery pathways that are as unique as they are.

Recovery is all around us.

We always have something new going on. Reach out to connect with us, ask a question, or sign up for the Revolution Recovery Newsletter to stay up-to-date.

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